Thirteen Electric Ebusco buses for sustainable city of Copenhagen


Ebusco got off to a good start in 2021 with an order for 13 electric buses from Denmark. In November 2021, they will be delivered to operator Nobina in the capital Copenhagen. The electric buses of type Ebusco 2.2 will go into operation in Greater Copenhagen. This is the first order from Denmark for the Dutch bus manufacturer.

“We are seeing a rapid change in public transport, where electric buses are meeting societies and our travellers demand for an even more sustainable, efficient and comfortable public transport. We are also proud of being the first to welcome Ebusco to Denmark and our joint efforts and demands in creating a modern and CO2 neutral public transport for Greater Copenhagen,” said Jens Råsten, Fleet Manager at the Nobina Group

Nobina – The largest public transport operator in the Nordics – has opted for the Ebusco 2.2 12-metre city bus with three doors. The Ebusco 2.2 is known for its high range of 350 km. Ebusco will supply seven CCS chargers, each with two charging inlets. These chargers have been developed for both fast and normal charging. During the day, the charger can quickly charge a bus with a high capacity of 150 kW per hour. At night, this capacity is shared so that two buses can be smart charged at 75 kW per hour simultaneously. This is better for battery life.

The first order for Denmark

“We are proud of our first order from Denmark, especially since our buses will be running in the sustainable capital Copenhagen. Copenhagen wants to be the first European capital to become fully CO2 neutral by 2025 in order to provide a better living environment for its inhabitants. Ebusco has exactly the same values. We provide not only mobility, but also clean air and silent streets. By doing this, we contribute to a better living environment,” said Peter Bijvelds, CEO of Ebusco.

Ebusco will deliver the buses in November 2021. The buses will enter into service in December. Five buses will be in the Holte area and eight will operate in the Glostrup area in Greater Copenhagen.

About Ebusco

Ebusco is a Dutch manufacturer of electric city and regional buses. Ebusco is a pioneer and frontrunner in the development of electric buses and charging systems. There are now more than 200 electric Ebusco buses in Europe, including in the major cities of Amsterdam, Munich, Frankfurt and Paris.

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