Karsan awarded Romanian City of Mangalia Electric Bus tender


Karsan’s innovative model buses offer public transport solutions suited to the transport needs of the time, and its electric product range continues to be the number one choice among European cities. Having made a name for itself with deliveries to Romania, Karsan continues to add new chapters to its success story with delivery of electric vehicles to the city of Sucaeva, and an awarded tender for the delivery of electric buses to the city of Mangalia. Karsan signed a contract with Mangalia Municipality as the only winner of the tender to deliver 10 Atak Electric buses to be used in the city’s public transport network. 

With the buses to be delivered to Mangalia in two batches in July and September this year, the number of Karsan buses in the Romanian market will rise to 120. Karsan CEO Okan Baş commented on the development: “While Karsan continues to support the export efforts of the automotive industry with its product range, it also contributes to the vision of our country by becoming a global player for electric vehicles. Today, we have become an important part of change with our electric products used in public transport in many European countries. Finally, we are pleased to increase our share in the Romanian market with our electric buses.” 

With a factory based in Turkey, Karsan offers transport solutions that meet the mobility needs of the age and continues to grow its share in the overseas market with its electric models. Karsan, favored by European cities with its 100 per cent electric vehicles in its product range and its widespread distribution network, was recently the only winner of the electric public transport tender for the Romanian city of Mangalia. Following the tender, a contract for the supply of 10 Atak Electric buses was signed between Karsan Romania dealer Anadolu Automobil Romania and Mangalia Municipality. In this context, Karsan will deliver buses to be used in the city’s public transport network in the second half of this year.

As in many European cities, Karsan continues to contribute to the transport network of cities investing in sustainable mobility in Romania. Following the latest delivery of electric vehicles to the city of Sucaeva, the number of Karsan branded buses in Romania market will rise to 120 including the electric vehicles to be delivered to the city of Mangalia. Karsan CEO Okan Baş commented on the awarded tender saying, “While Karsan continues to support the export efforts of the Turkish automotive industry with its product range, it also contributes to the vision of our country by becoming a global player for electric vehicles. Today, we have become an important part of change with our electric products used in public transport in many European countries. Finally, we are pleased to increase our share in the Romanian market with our electric buses.” 

Atak Electric comes with brand-new and dynamic front and rear lines, and creates a striking look with its LED daytime running lamps. The motor at the heart of the Atak Electric vehicle generates 230 kW engine power and 2.500 Nm torque, providing users with a high performance driving experience. Running on a total 220 kWh capacity with five 44-kWh batteries developed by BMW, the 8-meter Atak Electric boasts a unique 300 km range to outpace its rivals. The vehicle’s batteries can be charged in 5 hours with AC charging, and in 3 hours with fast-charging units. A regenerative braking system also recycles power which enables the batteries to self-recharge up to 25%. The model comes with two seating layout options, 18+4 or 21+4 foldable for a capacity of 52 passengers.

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