Bennetts Coaches takes delivery of two new Mercedes-Benz Tourismo coaches


Based in the city of Gloucester, Bennetts Coaches is a luxury private hire operator with over 50 years of experience.  With an outstanding reputation within Gloucestershire for providing reliable and efficient service, the operator has enjoyed much success since its establishment in 1962 by Arthur Bennett, who is the grandfather of the current Managing Director, Gavin Bennett.

The two new Tourismo M3s were handed over to Gavin Bennett recently, complete with brand new livery and will bring the total number of PSVAR-compliant vehicles in the company’s fleet to eighteen.  They are destined for use on the school routes and will also be available for private hire.  With a continuously growing modern fleet of high specification, environmentally friendly vehicles, Bennetts offers its services for use on private hire, day excursions and school bus services.  Speaking about the arrival of the latest Tourismos, Gavin Bennett explains: “We have an interest in and a duty to helping protect the environment for future generations.  This is why the Company has invested over £4.8 million over the past four years in upgrading and replacing its fleet with vehicles that are Euro 6 with ultra-low emissions.”  

Area Sales Manager, Gary Owen added: “We are very proud that Bennetts has consistently placed its trust in the Mercedes-Benz brand since 2008”.

The new Tourismo M3s ordered by Bennetts Coaches were supplied by Mercedes-Benz Coach Sales at EvoBus (UK).

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