Premium Volvo 9700 DD wins International Sustainability Award


“The Volvo 9700 DD has only recently been launched on the European market, and we are very pleased that the experts have focused on both its sustainability and productivity benefits since this is good for our customers and society as a whole,” said Niklas Orre, VP Coach Sales at Volvo Buses. 

Volvo Buses has since long focused on sustainable concepts when it comes to mobility for city buses, intercity buses, and coaches. 

Andreas Scheuer, Federal Minister of Transport, also stressed the high relevancy of the topic in his welcoming address: “Buses are key to sustainable mobility. In many ways, today’s vehicles already meet the mobility requirements of tomorrow.”

During the ceremony for the International Busplaner Sustainability Award, Gerd Schneider, Managing Director of Volvo Busse Deutschland, accepted the award in the long-distance bus category from Michaela Pech, Advertising Manager at Huss-Verlag. 

Volvo Buses received the award in the long-distance bus category for the Volvo 9700 DD, which was presented in February 2021. The jury of experts commended the premium double-decker for its innovative aerodynamics concept, which allows for a significant decrease in fuel consumption. In addition, the 11-litre Volvo Group engine in the Volvo 9700 DD can not only run on fossil fuel but also synthetic (HVO) and biological (RME) fuel, resulting in a CO2 emissions reduction between 40% to 80%. 

“We are extremely proud that our new premium model was awarded by the jury,” said Gerd Schneider, Managing Director of Volvo Busse Deutschland. “Sustainability is a cornerstone of our corporate philosophy and we take a holistic approach. From reducing our own impact internally, to helping our customers and partners limit their impact through reduced fuel consumption, more efficient operations and making the transition to renewable fuels or electrified solutions.”

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