CTTC welcomes the disbursement of vital support from Fáilte Ireland


Crucial relief comes to stricken businesses after months of campaigning by the Coach Tourism & Transport Council of Ireland.

The Coach Tourism & Transport Council of Ireland (CTTC) has welcomed the imminent distribution of funds from the Coach Tourism Business Continuity Scheme. Fáilte Ireland has now made the decisions on the allocation of monies to the applicant coach businesses and has informed them that payment will be made shortly.

This is the culmination of a concerted campaign by the CTTC since last Summer to ensure that the coach tourism sector was not left behind in the Government’s plans.

Since May 2020, the representative body has worked tirelessly to ensure that all needed support to the sector is delivered. The CTTC commissioned economist Jim Power to compile a report that outlined the drastic impact the Coronavirus was having on coach tourism and international travel. This was followed by a professional and determined lobbying and media campaign to highlight the plight of coach operators so that their concerns were brought to the highest levels of Government.

The €10 million of funding under the Coach Tourism Business Continuity Scheme was announced in the July Stimulus Plan and while it has taken some time for operators to benefit under it, the CTTC is gratified to have secured a dedicated fund for this sector. Therefore, it is the CTTC’s intention to continue its work and lobby again over the coming months to ensure that monies are delivered to cover operators costs in 2021.

Commenting on the positive development, John Halpenny, Chairman of the CTTC, John Halpenny said: “This week will bring a much-needed moment of relief to struggling coach tourism businesses across the country as essential funds to cover a portion of costs incurred in 2020 land in bank accounts. On behalf of the CTTC, I want to thank the Government for recognising the plight of our sector and Fáilte Ireland for undertaking the disbursement process.”


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