The National Transport Authority has published an Issues Paper as an initial part of the statutory review of the Greater Dublin Area Transport Strategy (2016-2035).
The Authority is asking members of the public to provide their views and objectives as part of a preliminary consultation process. They can do so by completing an online feedback form at
In particular, NTA wants to understand what people’s overall priorities are for the Transport Strategy. That might be sustainability, accessibility, economic development or tackling disadvantage.
A second major consultation process will take place around the middle of next year following the development of draft strategy proposals.
This review process will involve assessing the implementation of the existing plan, and producing an updated Strategy which will set out the framework for investment in transport infrastructure and services, to 2042.
The revision of the Strategy will be consistent with the spatial planning policies and objectives set out in the Regional Spatial and Economic Strategy (RSES) as adopted by the Eastern and Midland Regional Assembly, and finalised in January 2020. These objectives in turn are consistent with the National Planning Framework and the National Development Plan, as set out in Project Ireland 2040.
The revised Strategy will also reflect national policies on sustainability as set out in climate action and low carbon legislation, and in climate action plans. The potential impacts of the on-going Covid-19 pandemic, beyond the short-term, will also be taken into account.
In explaining the programme Anne Graham, CEO, NTA said: “We now need people’s help. We want to hear people’s views on what should be considered in the preparation of the new Transport Strategy for the Greater Dublin Area. We’re asking people to read our discussion document and then go to the website and respond to questions in the feedback form. This will help us shape our approach so that the revised Strategy we publish next year, reflects the views of the public. Next year, we will publish a draft of our revised Strategy. That will include specifics on all our proposals for the region, investment plans, projections, transport modelling etc.”
“At that stage we will be inviting members of the public to consider the draft plan in detail; assess it in terms of future transport needs at regional, local and even household level; and provide us with feedback on what we are putting forward. In that way we can get a sense as to whether we are on the right track when it comes to making Dublin a better place to live in, to work in, and to visit. But for now, we want to get an overall sense as to what people’s priorities are in relation to transport in the Greater Dublin Area.”
The NTA hopes to publish a draft Strategy Review in summer 2021. In advance of that, a number of studies will be undertaken, the results of which will be fed into the review process. These will include:
- Assessment of Metro to Terenure-Rathfarnham-Knocklyon
- Assessment of Metro to UCD-Sandyford
- Assessment of a rail line to Navan
The Issues Paper can be accessed at: