CTTC welcome Fáilte Ireland’s long term-plan for the Dingle Peninsula


Fáilte Ireland has  launched a new planned programme to help drive and sustain tourism in the Dingle Peninsula. Entitled the  ‘Visitor Experience Development Plan‘ for the Dingle Peninsula’ with a corresponding Irish version, the plan aims to create a sustainable tourism destination by extending the tourism season and spreading business across all parts of the Dingle Peninsula over the next five years.  

Key stakeholders in the area and the local community were consulted and inputted into the plan including Kerry County Council, Dingle Peninsula Tourism Alliance, Údarás na Gaeltachta, the Office of Public Works (OPW), NEWKD LEADER as well as many local tourism operators.

The focus of the plan, which was developed over the last three years, builds on a number of destination development projects that will bring local experiences to life.

Vice Chairman of the Coach Tourism & Transport Council (CTTC), William Martin of Martins Coaches Limerick said: “We will need plenty of initiatives like this to make sure tourist continue to travel to Ireland after Covid-19 has been brought under control.”

Speaking at the virtual launch of the plan, Miriam Kennedy, Head of the Wild Atlantic Way at Fáilte Ireland, said:  “Our plan, which captures the unique themes central to the Dingle Peninsula, is about looking to the future recovery of tourism and hospitality in the region. While the sector continues to be decimated by the pandemic this Visitor Experience Development Plan will be hugely important as we work towards recovery. It provides a framework for tourism businesses and stakeholders to work in partnership over the next five years to create new and improved existing visitor experiences. Local consultation and input was central to this plan and we kicked off a programme of workshops across the region in early 2018. This collaborative approach gave local stakeholders the opportunity to contribute and shape the visitor experiences that are central to the region. When it is safe to do so this plan will motivate both international and domestic tourists to visit the Dingle Peninsula.’’

Commenting on the plan, Mark Murphy from Dingle Cookery School/The Little Cheese Shop Dingle and Chairperson of the Dingle Visitor Experience Development Plan, said: “Building on the success of the Wild Atlantic Way and Dingle Peninsula’s global reputation for stunning landscapes, the Irish language, hospitality and traditional music, this plan will provide local tourism businesses with the tools to develop new experiences and enhance existing ones, while encouraging visitors to stay longer and spend more within the region.”

Deirdre de Bhailís from Dingle Creativity & Innovation Hub and Vice-Chairperson of Dingle Visitor Experience Development Plan, added: “Sustainable initiatives on the Dingle Peninsula have recently been showcased by the UN’s Regional Information Centre for Western Europe as an example of how communities can work together to achieve sustainability for the future. The Visitor Experience Development Plan is a key part of this and presents an ideal opportunity to shape a tourism industry that both protects and shares the beauty of Corca Dhuibhne for all to enjoy.”

For more information on the Visitor Experience Development Plan for the Dingle Peninsula, visit www.failteireland.ie.


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